The International Center for Travelling Theatres – InCeTT


CITI – Centre International pour les Théâtres Itinérants

The CITI/InCeTT is a nongovernemental organisation for travelling theatres all over the world and an advocacy for these structures.

Pour le CITI/InCeTT francophone vous retrouvez tout le CITI en français ici.

If you are a TRAVELLING THEATRE: please join us and become a member!

You are not sure yet? You may become a friend of the CITI without being charged a membership fee.

We are working on the recognition of travelling theatres as Immaterial UNESCO World Heritage. We create lines between the travelling theatres in common actions.


  • Bring together and represent a network of companies and individuals linked to the world of the travelling theatre.
  • Organise and facilitate exchanges and a mutual sharing of competences and knowledge.
  • Transmit experiences and ideas relating to travelling theatre companies.
  • Support and promote towards audiences, local communities and institutional partners the travelling theatre in all its forms.


  • CITI  bring together participants, partners and hosts involved in the travelling theatre world : information centre, professional meetings’ organisation.
  • CITI represents the travelling theatre profession and acts towards a better understanding of its needs and specificities
  • CITI make people aware of the aims and specificities involved in the travelling theatre world by regularly organising seminars, training and conferences
  • CITI contribute to structure the professional sector, especially through an active investment in the UFISC (Cultural Structures’ Federal Union of Intervention)
  • CITI works together with professional organisations and institutional structures
  • CITI is sometimes travelling itself due to its “mobile platform” (truck and caravan) that allows it to be present at festivals, shows and professional events
  • CITI sets up and proposes different resource and information tools :
    > Internet site with a data base travelling companies
    > distribution of information specific to the travelling theater in the form of classified ads

    > a technical watch 
    and administrative for the nomadic structures (technical legislation)
    publications (printed and electronic)
    a resource center integrated in HorsLesMurs and on line on and a selection on line here (company files, thematic files, student works, theses, studies, common works, reviews, directories)